Tips for Developing Mental Toughness to Achieve Your Goals
With a strong mind, you can surprise yourself with how much you can achieve. Even when your goal outwardly entails the development of physical strength or skills, you can make more efficient progress if your mind is in the right condition to guide you through. Motivational trainer Mike Gillette, who served as a paratrooper and…
How Pharmaceutical Companies Maximize the Profitability of Their Drugs – At Your Expense
Pharmaceutical companies make their profits from the treatment of illnesses. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that they would find it beneficial if more people were sick so that they can continue to profit. Fortunately for them, the dependence of the general population on medication, especially for chronic illness, means that they will continue…
Strategies to Bust A Training Plateau
Anyone who’s done a serious fitness regimen has experienced hitting a plateau at some point. It can be frustrating, challenging, and even confusing to figure out the reasons why a workout has suddenly lost its effectiveness or why progress has come to an abrupt halt. It is also mind-boggling to figure out what to do…
10 Best Sources of Healthy Fats
Most people believe that fats should be eliminated from the diet because of their high-calorie content. It is usually assumed that fats are bad for the body and should be avoided altogether. Fats have been blamed for numerous ills including weight gain, hypertension, cardiac disease, and cancer. The truth is, fats are considered macronutrients and…