Discover Your Body’s
Primal Muscle 
That helps Reduce Pain, Promote Weight Loss, Enhance Your Strength Training And Increase Energy when it’s relaxed!
And learn how you can unlock its potential with a 10-minute sequence of specially formulated movements.
This revolutionary bodyweight sequence can unlock a primal muscle to help burn fat, reduce chronic pain, and improve overall health and fitness, regardless of age.

If you train hard and eat well, it should be enough to keep you in good health and physically and emotionally strong.

Yet, there is a muscle in your body that you might not be aware of.

It affects you, no matter how active or sedentary you are, or how old or young you are.

And if it’s not kept in good condition, it can affect not only our bodies, but our entire well-being. In fact, I believe that many common health conditions are caused by this muscle not being stretched enough, strange as that sounds. What is it?

You might be surprised to learn…
…it's tight hip flexors.

You see, our hip flexors are the engine through which our bodies move. They control balance, our ability to sit, stand, twist, reach, bend and walk.

Everything goes through the hips.

And when the hip flexors tighten it can lead to a host of problems, even in seemingly healthy and active individuals.

Before I reveal how loads of people end up having tight hip flexors yet never realize it, let me introduce myself.

My name is Mike Westerdal and I'm a national best-selling fitness author, sports nutrition specialist, personal trainer, Iron Man magazine contributor and founder of the popular strength training site,

In a moment, I'll reveal to you a systematic, step-by-step program designed to loosen your hip flexors and unlock the hidden power in your body.

But first, let me explain just how deep-rooted the problem is.

How Tight Hips Can Hold You Back…

Many people don’t realize that the root cause of some of their pain and other health problems might be tight hip flexors.

The impact the hips have on the whole body never occurred to me until I saw the effect tight hip flexors had on the health and well-being of my wife after she gave birth.

It was only then that I truly understood the magnitude of the problem.

Tight or locked hip flexors can contribute to the following problems:
  • Nagging joint pain in the legs, lower back or hips [19-26][29] 
  • Walking with discomfort [19-27][29] 
  • Hips locking up [29] 
  • Bad posture [27] 
  • Trouble sleeping [30] 
  • Sluggishness in day to day life [31] 
  • High anxiety [32] 
  • Lack of explosiveness in the gym or sports [33][49-54]

Do you find it surprising that all of this might be simply caused by this one tight muscle?

Many people suffer from tight or locked hip flexors, especially those who sit for hours each day, but few realize the impact on your whole body.

Again, everything flows through the hips.

They help to support the strength and health of your entire body.

And at the very heart of this is that powerful survival muscle - Hip Flexors.

hip flexors are the body's most powerful, primal muscle... That You've Never Trained.
the body's most powerful, primal muscle…
 that you've never heard of
(Let Alone Trained!)

Your hips are the bridge between your upper body and lower body. They are at the center of your body's movement.

Sitting within the well of your hip and lower spine is the psoas major muscle, one of the two muscles that makes up the iliopsoas.

It’s often called the "mighty" psoas (pronounced so-az) for the many important functions it plays in the movement of your body.

The psoas is the only muscle in the human body connecting the upper body to the lower body.

The muscle attaches to the vertebrae of the lower spine, moves through the pelvis and connects to a tendon at the top of the femur. It also attaches to the diaphragm, so it’s connected to your breathing, and upon it sits major organs.

A properly functioning psoas muscle creates a neutral pelvic alignment, stabilizes the hips, supports the lower spine and abdomen, supports the organs in the pelvic and abdominal cavity and it is what gives you great mobility and core strength.

When it functions well, it has the power to...
  • Help the body metabolize (burn) fat. [34-36]
  • Help improve athletic performance. [49-54]
  • Help improve strength training and endurance. [27][44-45][49-54]
  • Help improve energy levels. [31]
  • Help you sleep more comfortably and soundly through the night. [30]

Put simply, this muscle is the core of activity in your body. So, when it's out of balance or if the psoas tightens, serious consequences can flow throughout the body.

And there's one activity, in particular, that's the sworn enemy of your psoas muscle…

It may be the most harmless activity known to man, but can lead to a wide variety of issues.


Even if you're the most active of athletes, you may still suffer from a tight psoas due to the amount of time you spend each day planted to a chair.

Weakness, shortening and tightness develops in the muscle from sitting for extended periods of time, contributing to poor sleep, posture and even stress and tension.

here are 3 ways that sitting can hurt physical and emotional health:
Bulging Belly Syndrome

My clients sometimes wonder why their stomachs stick out, even though they’re hammering the core exercises every day. It's a common myth that bulging belly is due to weak abdominal muscles.

The real cause is likely to be tight psoas muscles, which cause the lower back to curve, pushing out the stomach. When the psoas works properly, it pulls the abdomen back, tucking the tummy in, adding to the appearance of a strong, flat stomach.

Fat Loss inhibitor

As the body's "fight or flight" muscle, your psoas is deeply connected to our natural survival instinct. It instantly tightens in moments of danger to either protect you (in a fetal position) or help you run, fueled by the release of adrenaline.

However, with your psoas constantly tight, it’s as though you are in constant danger. When your body is stressed, it often switches into fat storing mode in anticipation of danger. [34-36] So, if fat loss is an issue for you, tight hips might be to blame.

Uncomfortable Sleep
Uncomfortable Sleep

Sitting all day causes your hips to become stuck in a forward thrust position. This leads to pulling on the lower back and decreased blood flow and circulation through the hips.

This tightness results in physical discomfort, making it more difficult to fall asleep and more likely to wake up throughout the night. [30]

sitting for long hours may lead to health hazards because it can tighten your psoas muscle.
why tight hip flexors can lead to herniated lumbar discs

People who spend most of each day sitting, are at greater risk for tightening the psoas muscles, which then pulls the upper lumbar spine forward.

As a result, the upper body misaligns and rests on the ischial tuberosity (sitting bones) rather than being properly distributed along the arch of the spine.

But here’s the great news…

You can do something about it!

Why Static Stretching Alone Isn't The Answer

Knowing you have tight hip flexors is one thing.

Knowing how to fix your tight hip flexors is another challenge altogether.

If you trust so-called experts on YouTube and online, they'll have you believe it's simply a case of holding a few static stretches for a period of time to try and lengthen the muscle.

Or rolling around with a tennis ball stuck to your hip (as if that will really make any difference).

It takes more than a tennis ball and foam roller to unlock your hip flexors…and doing it wrong could cause damage.

The reason few people manage to fix their hip flexors is simple...

It's really a hard area to reach.

Your psoas is buried deep inside your core, making it tough to access. It's a hard muscle to find, let alone train.

So it's little wonder why trying to loosen it requires more than a simple static hip flexor stretch.

If you’ve found you're spending (or wasting) time stretching this way only to find it's having minimal effect, that is why.

That's because you need to attack the muscle from a variety of angles using a variety of exercise techniques and modalities in order to "unpack" the muscle in the right way.

The truth is, you can learn to release your tight hip flexors on your own.

You can think of your psoas as a combination safe lock, there are certain exercise combinations that will unlock it. You just need to know the code. [38-45]

And, there are a number of specific movements beyond simple static stretching you can use to unlock and loosen your hips, legs and back.

Some of these include:
PNF Stretching
PNF is an acronym for Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation. It is a technique where you are activating a specific muscle in order to relax the muscles around a joint so you can decrease the stiffness around a joint.
Dynamic Stretching
This is where you are activating the muscle around a joint and moving that joint through its full range of motion in a progressive manner. This leads to an increased range of motion around the joint, warming up of the muscle around the joint and improved circulation around the joint. Think of high knees or butt kicks.
3-Dimensional Core Stability Exercises
With these exercises we are targeting the muscle in all planes of movement so the core and abdominal muscles have good activation, endurance and strength in all planes of movement which leads to a decrease in unnecessary damaging stress on joints
Mobility Exercises
In these exercises, we are targeting the joint and doing movements and exercises that help the joint function optimally. This allows a joint to move more freely.
Fascia Stretching
In this unique technique, we are targeting the tissue that muscles are surrounded in and working on loosening and lengthening the fascia. Few people understand the negative effect this tissue can have on your body.
Muscle Activation Movements
Due to all of our sitting and daily technology use, many of our muscles are not working properly. With this technique, we're targeting those muscles that are off and activating them in order to help the body move more efficiently.
Now that you know the specific techniques you need to unlock your hip flexors, the next question is how to combine these in the most effective way. Please don't be overwhelmed by the "Shop Talk" above because…
loosening your hip flexors can actually be easy with the 
sequential flow method

Like unfolding a sheet or unpacking a parcel, opening up the muscles in your hips should be done in the right order. [38]

Slowly releasing one muscle before another to avoid injury and increasing hip tightness.

It's why so many people give up trying to fix the problem themselves and believe incorrectly that they have to live with the problem. But hoping the problem will go away by not exercising is just as damaging.

To explain in more detail about this flow, let me introduce you to leading Kinesiologist and Injury Specialist, Rick Kaselj, MS.

Rick is "THE GUY" fitness professionals go to when they want to learn about the latest techniques to help their own clients. He's given over 352 live presentations to more than 8,152 health professionals in the US and Canada.

I first met Rick when he helped me fix a shoulder problem. He was one of the few injury specialists I met who helped athletes by focusing on getting them back to training, rather than avoiding workouts.

Rick showed me what so many other injury specialists hadn't - how to work through the right sequence of techniques to unlock the tension and tightness in my muscles to properly solve the problem.

He's the guy I turned to when my wife, Courtney, was struggling with pain and discomfort in her hips after the birth of our son Lincoln.

In the days and months following the birth, she experienced pain in her legs and discomfort when walking and sitting. She was struggling to sleep.

In just 15 minutes working with Rick, he successfully unlocked her hip flexors so she no longer felt any pain or discomfort that day.

She was able to walk without experiencing the nagging pain in her pelvic area.

She could sleep better and could start enjoying those precious days with our little one at home.

But Rick's "flow" technique doesn’t only help those in pain.

At Critical Bench, our Head Strength Coach Chris Wilson felt his hip flexors were a little tight (from sitting and answering training questions on Facebook too much) and tried the same routine Rick had used with my wife.

Within days, Chris successfully increased his deadlift by 35 pounds to finally hit that 500 pound pull he had been training for. All because he got to experience the sequential flow of movements that Rick developed to release his hip flexors.

It’s Not Just About The Exercises.

the power of rick's technique lies not only in what techniques are performed and how well, 
but in doing these in a certain sequence.

In my experience, doing this specific sequence that Rick developed has worked better than any other sequence I’ve tried.

Rick’s special set of sequential stretches has been designed to relax your muscles in the RIGHT order.

And while many of the techniques were ones I already knew, I found that the right sequence can help loosen tissues including muscle, fascia, connective tissue, and the joint capsule, while aiding in breaking up scar tissue.

I've seen, with my own eyes, the power of Rick's techniques on my wife and our Head Strength Coach, Chris Wilson.

That's why I asked Rick to share with you the very same program so you too can help unlock your hip flexors and gain all the benefits.

Disclaimer: Individual results may vary. 
Unlock Your Hip Flexors gives you a practical, easy-to-follow program you can use today to release your hip flexors for more strength, better health and all day energy [27][31][44-45]
Rick has pulled together a "sequential flow" composed of 10 carefully selected exercises, including PNF Stretching, Static Stretching, Dynamic Stretching, 3-Dimensional Core Stability Exercises, Mobility Exercises, Fascia Stretching and Muscle Activation.
Unlock Your Hip Flexors
We've shot these 10 exercises with explanations from Rick on perfect form and exactly how to target that hard-to-reach psoas muscle. The video content is split in two:

The first is a Coaching Instructional Video where Rick takes you in detail through each exercise, so you fully understand why you're doing that exercise, the best form to take and how it should feel. The second video is a Follow Along format designed so you can perform the flow alongside the video without breaking for explanation.

Unlock Your Hip Flexors
You'll receive a highly targeted manual with greater depth about the psoas muscle and the effects of its tightening on your health and well-being. It also includes detailed descriptions of the exact exercise movements with pictures.

Learning how to do this properly gives you the tools you need to start undoing some of the damage done to your psoas and start helping the body to naturally heal itself.

But first a warning…this isn't for everyone. You have to be committed.

As you can imagine, this is a hugely technical field. The last thing we wanted was to overload you with too much, so we've done our best to distill the program to the most essential elements so you can experience rapid results.

This is an easy-to-follow program that you can incorporate into your daily workout or routine.

And because I want you to give this awesome program a try today, I have an incredible offer for you…

Order Today and you'll Receive these
two powerful bonuses
Unlock Your Tight Hamstrings
"The Key To A Healthy Back And Perfect Posture"
First and foremost, if the muscles of the hamstrings are tight, they are more susceptible to tearing. No matter if you're an elite athlete, stay-at-home mom or average Joe, a muscle tear in the back of your legs can take months to heal and recover from, making life very challenging.

In today's world, most people make a living from a seated position along with sitting in their car and while at home. All of that sitting over time increases tightness in the hamstrings. Having tight hamstrings causes the hips and pelvis to rotate back which flattens the lower back, causing lower back pain and poor posture.

In a perfect world, everyone would get regular sports massage to help improve the muscle tissue quality of the hamstrings by increasing blood flow. Unfortunately for most of us, that isn't always possible.

However, there is something all people can do by themselves which takes only minutes per day to help improve muscle condition and loosen up those tight hamstrings.

This super effective routine helps to reduce the likelihood of injury, improves performance, corrects posture and can also alleviate pain in the lower back. [19-26][29][49-54]

The 7-Day Anti-Inflammatory Diet
"Automatically Heal Your Body With The Right Foods"
The Unlock Your Hip Flexors program is designed to bring you all the benefits of looser hip flexors with greater strength, power and flexibility.

But its benefits are multiplied when combined with a holistic diet to naturally alleviate pains, aches, soreness and stiffness by tackling inflammation caused by injury or environmental toxins in our food and water.

Your diet is one of the major causes of inflammatory responses leading to health deterioration.

Now, you can help improve your body's response to inflammation by choosing the right foods that work with your body to stimulate its natural healing abilities.

The 7-Day Anti-Inflammatory Diet is a Done-For-You nutrition program featuring diet recommendations, meal plans, shopping lists and supplement tips to help your body automatically heal itself.

Inside the "Unlock Your Hip Flexors" Program, You'll Discover:
  • Exactly how to target those hard-to-reach muscles with detailed, step-by-step walk-through videos of every single Key Move (Rick's simple, clear demonstration of these powerful moves will help them become second nature in no time).
  • Why your hips are vital for maintaining correct posture and help promote peak performance.
  • The true impact of your body's “Mighty Muscle” and how it really affects physical, emotional and spiritual well-being (you'll be amazed at how big an impact this can have on everyday life).
  • How overall health can be compromised by tight hip flexors, and how to loosen them up to see faster fat loss and increased energy.
  • The main causes for the psoas muscle to change structure, a major warning sign for your body (any change, however minimal, has an overwhelming impact that ripples across your body causing other muscle groups to compensate).
  • Why we're just as likely to be affected by this problem if you're a balls-to-the-wall gym rat training 24/7 or a couch potato.
  • Why tight hip flexors are exasperated if you have a desk job or drive a car for long periods of time.
  • The reason intense core workouts could be doing more harm than good if you haven't loosened up your hips first.
  • Why strong legs and glutes are important to your overall health and why you need to prevent too much flexion of your hips.
  • How trauma, injury and stress can build up within your posture and how it can ultimately affect your psychological state.
  • Why the "cure" isn't simply to stop sitting (you need to be more pro-active in targeting the muscles affected to undo the damage from sitting all day).
  • Why "comfort" and "support" are the enemies of our natural physiology and how we can start to move back towards our natural posture (forget pillows, support cushions and belts.)
  • The 2 situations you NEED to be aware of when training your glutes to ensure they're properly activated for maximum athletic performance.
  • Why relaxing your psoas muscle can help clear your mind, re-energize your thinking and relieve stress.
  • Plus much, much more…
What are you waiting for? 
Now, you can finally Unlock Your Hip Flexors with this incredible, easy to follow DVD!
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What Others are saying about unlock Your hip Flexors
"Stronger & Faster Than Ever..."
"Being an athlete all my life and having endured multiple knee surgeries due to blowing out ACL's in both knees, I later started to develop a hip issue in my right hip due to the years of wear and tear. It actually got so bad it was hard for me to perform as an athlete as well as be a productive coach for my clients.

After getting an MRI to have it checked out, I realized I had a degenerative arthritic condition in the hip that is not reversible. Surgery was not an option I wanted to go through so I contacted Rick Kaselj to see if he had something for me. When I started to apply the strategies from Unlock Your Hip Flexors it helped me re-balance my pelvis and hip joint to where I couldn't even tell I had an issue anymore.

These days I'm stronger and faster than ever and still competing in sports. Rick gave me the ability to perform at my highest level as a coach and regain the athletic ability I had lost over the years from wear and tear. I've been using Rick's strategies for years to help myself manage and recover from injuries as well as countless members of the fitness community. I couldn't recommend this product enough!"

Disclaimer: Individual results may vary.
Frank Daniels, CPT
Fitness+Performance Specialist
White Plains, NY
"You Need Flexible Hips to Live a Long Healthy Life..."
"I have known Rick Kaselj since college. Since then I have gone to Chiropractic college and become a Diplomate of the International College of Applied Kinesiology and a Diplomate in Clinical Nutrition. As a result I have come to some important conclusions about how the body works. Hip flexibility, mobility and strength is one of the most important things you can do to keep your overall body healthy. The way we moved thousands of years ago is our natural state, which requires flexible and mobile hips.

I was excited to hear about Rick Kaselj’s Unlock Your Hip Flexors program and have read the manual and watched the videos. I was very impressed with the content. I implemented the concepts and program into my practice with my clients.

Rick has developed a comprehensive system to unlock your hips and restore movement the way it should be. Everyone could benefit from Unlock Your Hip Flexors. The two most important things to live a long healthy life are good quality whole foods and great movement, which requires great hip mobility. I cannot recommend this program enough."

Disclaimer: Individual results may vary.
Dr. Alan Jenks DC
The Hague Area, Netherlands
"Helped Me Deadlift 500 Pounds..."
"What if I told you that you could increase your deadlift by 35 pounds in a week? You'd think I was nuts, but that's exactly what I experienced.

Rick Kaselj worked with me personally to help me loosen my hip flexors and the explosiveness that was unlocked help me finally hit that 500 lb pull I've been training for.

If you do any kind of explosive lifting, Unlock Your Hip Flexors can definitely help you add pounds to your max!"

Disclaimer: Individual results may vary.
Chris Wilson, SNC, RKC, CPT
Head Strength Coach, Critical Bench
Enjoy Looser Hips, greater strength and more power...
Or you get your money back,

Because so many people sit for long hours each day, many suffer from tight hip flexors and can benefit from this powerful program.

That's why I want to make this a no-brainer for you with a 100% risk-free money back guarantee.

For the next 60 days, try using the simple techniques demonstrated by Rick either on its own or incorporated into your daily workout.

I'm confident you’ll be delighted with the results, but if you’re not, simply email us and ask for a prompt and hassle-free, no questions asked 100% refund.

In fact, if you're not happy for ANY reason, I insist you ask for a refund and we’ll be more than happy to give you all your money back.

After seeing the effect of the program for myself and those close to me, I’m sure you'll be amazed at how quickly you feel the benefits of looser hips and greater strength and vitality.

What price would you pay to be the strongest you can be?

Now you've seen the benefits of taking action and the hidden dangers of carrying on as normal and you can see the power of the Unlock Your Hip Flexors program.

It still stuns me to see so many people working hard in the gym and carrying on as normal.

They struggle to understand why they still feel pain, why they have low energy, and why their body isn’t responding properly. It comes back to their hips.

It comes back to their hips. But that doesn’t have to be a problem for you anymore.

There is an effective and affordable solution that you can begin implementing as soon as today to relieve pain, increase your energy, and improve your strength and endurance – the Unlock Your Hip Flexors program.

Purchase Unlock Your Hip Flexors today, and pay just $15 instead of the regular price of $20.

You'll receive the manual, all Rick's detailed demonstrations and walkthrough videos plus the two powerful bonuses (valued at $48 alone).

And that's less than you’ll pay for a book that doesn't have the walk-throughs or the essential video demonstration necessary to ensure your sequential flow is done properly.

Remember, if you wanted a consultation with Rick, it would cost you more than $300 an hour to learn from him the level of expertise he shares in Unlock Your Hip Flexors.

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  • Helps to increase strength - having looser hips has been shown to increase speed and strength, which combine to give you power. Increasing power gives you the chance to increase performance in sports and competition. In sports, power comes from the hips. [27][44-45][49-54]
  • Helps to improve sleep - one of the most powerful effects of the program is how loose hips can provide you with more restful sleep. Aligned hip flexors leave the body more comfortable and less discomfort can allow your body better sleep to fully rejuvenate. [30]
  • Save money on physical therapy– many people notice fewer injuries while training and performing their routines as a result of loose and much more flexible hips. If you’ve been going to physical therapy, maybe this can help you reduce your need for it. [19-26][29][49-54]
  • Throw out those pain killers – this is a NATURAL way to stave off pain in your back, legs and hips. Unlock Your Hip Flexors shows you how to deal with the CAUSE of your strength and flexibility problems, not the EFFECTS.
If you've been struggling with nagging aches, pains and stiffness, loosening up your hip flexors has helped many like you return to living the full and active lives they deserve.
Now is your time to take control & Release your inner athlete
So now I’ve shown you what Unlock Your Hip Flexors can do for you, I’ve offered you the complete program and two awesome bonuses for a ridiculously low price, and I've reversed all of the risk of your decision to buy the program.
The next step is up to you.
You could read this and simply think to yourself "sounds good, but I can do this myself" or "I’ll come back to it later". But what happens in a few days’ time? In a week's time? In six months' time?
Will you be feeling the damaging effects of tight hip flexors when you hit the gym, sit at your desk all day or try sleeping soundly at night?
I hope that's not the path set out for you.

Instead, I want you to take the path followed by so many other satisfied guys who've invested in Unlock Your Hip Flexors.

Many men are amazed at how quickly they loosen up their hip flexors while following my simple program.

It becomes easily incorporated into their daily routine, and they no longer dread hitting the training floor, but actually look forward to working out with Rick’s groundbreaking system!
The best part?
You can learn how to easily unlock your hip flexors no matter how “old” you are, the state of your health, or even if you’ve never worked out a day before in your life!

Make the best choice for yourself.

Hit the Add To Cart button below and be ready to complete your payment details on the following secure web page. Once all of your details have been completed and payment is made, hit Submit.

Within a few minutes, you will receive an email detailing your complete order and links to digital downloads and you can immediately dive in and start reading the manual and watching the exercise videos.

You can be making a difference to your health and well-being within minutes. You just have to grab the moment and do it.


Soli Deo gloria,

Mike Westerdal, CPT, RKC

P.S. Try Unlock Your Hip Flexors for 60 days and discover for yourself the difference Rick's incredible sequential flow makes to your strength, flexibility, energy and overall health.

If you're struggling to break through a plateau with fat loss or trying to hit peak performance, now you’re finally able to help yourself progress by easily following Rick’s revolutionary program.

And if you don't absolutely love the program and see a huge benefit to your physical and emotional health, just send an email to our Customer Support Team at [email protected] and we will give you a full refund of the purchase price, no questions asked.

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What Others are saying:
"Physical Therapist Approved!.."

"With so many people suffering with Hip Pain out there, Rick's program "Unlock Your Hip Flexors" is a great tool for any fitness or health professional that wants to reduce pain, and improve strength, performance and overall health.

As a Physical Therapist that works with numerous hip injuries, I can incorporate many of Rick’s exercises into my rehabilitative and wellness programs for my patients with excellent results.

The exercises are sensible and easy to learn – and your clients will be happy, healthy and thank you for it!"

Disclaimer: Individual results may vary.
Erin Nielsen
Physical Therapist
"A Great Resource for Coaches & Trainers..."

"Having trained hundreds of clients over the past 15 years, I know the importance of having fresh, valuable knowledge that I can rely on especially on areas of the body like the hips. Unlock Your Hip Flexors was exactly what I needed to read. In typical Critical Bench fashion, the content blew me away.

With this program that Rick and Mike created, I am able to confidently walk into a training session better equipped to take my client to the next level of training. Critical Bench is my go-to source for simple yet professional information. I can't recommend them enough."

Disclaimer: Individual results may vary.
Brian Klepacki, MS, CSCS
Owner of Optimax Performance Training
"Safely Re-Balance the Muscle Group..."

"I think the Unlock Your Hip Flexors program is very complete in listing the possible causes of tight hip flexors and other factors that can lead to the issue.

It is detailed, descriptive, from the anatomy of the hip, causes of such injuries, and a very progressive and well explained exercise and stretching schedule that will assist to re-balance the hip and pelvic region, safely stretch and strengthen the muscle group."

Disclaimer: Individual results may vary.
Jill Brighton
Massage Therapist from Alberta, Canada
"Don't Have a Personal Trainer? No Problem!..."

"I’m not a fitness professional, just a 62 year old guy who came across your website looking for help with several physical issues I have been experiencing.

As a former college basketball player I found it discouraging that no one could seem to help me with my lower back problems and more recently my Glutes and Hip flexors. That was until I found your site and ordered your exercise program which has dramatically improved each one of my conditions!

The Unlock Your Hip Flexors program is easy to order and easy to download, no waiting for a delivery. The video presentation and visuals in the exercise program give me confidence that I am doing the exercises correctly which for me is key with no personal trainer. As a former Div 1 college athlete, the program works really well for me! Keep up the good work!"

Disclaimer: Individual results may vary.
Mark Jellison
Account Executive of Procter & Gamble, MA
"Allows Me To Workout Hard Without Pain..."

"I came across Rick Kaselj a few years back when I was looking for something to help with my painful piriformis syndrome pain which I had been suffering with for over a year. I watched one of his YouTube videos and the advice he gave in the video helped get rid of my piriformis and hip pain. Ever since then, I have been following Rick on a daily basis with YouTube videos, blog posts and articles.

Thanks for everything you do Rick and I know if you have a stiff, tight or painful hip then Unlock Your Hip Flexors will help you."

Disclaimer: Individual results may vary.
Kerri Baker, CPT, BS, BA, MS Exercise Science
Personal Training Studio Manager
"If You Sit A Lot You Need Unlock Your Hip Flexors..."

"As a gym owner and personal trainer, I'm always in search of the latest techniques and exercises to help my members and clients with strength and overall body function. Knowing how much people sit and unknowingly abuse their hips in everyday life makes Unlock Your Hip Flexors so worthwhile.

The other added bonus is how simply and quickly these techniques can be applied at the start of any workout making all movements of the body better in just minutes. The response has been life changing not only for my clients but for myself."

Disclaimer: Individual results may vary.
Ivan Gomez
Certified Personal Trainer
Health Club Owner - Clearwater, FL
"Get The Edge Over the Competition..."

"If you are an athlete that relies on explosiveness in your sport, then you must be aware of the #1 road block in your performance... tight hip flexors.

It's the hidden killer of success. Athletes that sit all day for their day job are causing terrible alignment in their hips... which wreaks havoc on other areas of their body. Improving the mobility in your hips will give you the extra edge over the competition and improve the effectiveness of your workouts.

Mike and Rick's Unlock Your Hip Flexors program is the most complete, systematic approach that I've ever seen on the market. The program will help take your athleticism to the next level no matter if you are a top professional or just starting out."

Disclaimer: Individual results may vary.
"Bodyweight Todd" Kuslikis
Founder of Shot of Adrenaline
"Unlock Your Hips to Unlock Your Squat..."

"I’ve had so many personal training clients come and see me over the years that can’t squat properly, it drives me mad! This is mostly due to their hip mobility or lack of it! If you sit all day, have hips that are stiff, suffer from mysterious hip aches or struggle to do a perfect squat, then you need to check out Rick Kaselj and his Unlock Your Hip Flexors program.

In my experience, tight hips, achy hips, and poor squatting, if not addressed, will lead to more serious injuries and pain further down the line, which is why I wholeheartedly recommend Rick’s Unlock Your Hip Flexors program. Get it!"

Disclaimer: Individual results may vary.
Gavin Walsh BSc (Hons)
Personal Trainer Brighton
East Sussex, UK
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Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How is this different from other hip flexibility programs?
A: What makes Rick's program unique is knowing how to unravel the tricky layers of tension with the very difficult psoas muscle in order to effectively loosen and train it.
Q: Why are you selling this so cheap? What's the catch?

A: There is none. We're so pleased with the number of our customers who have made the investment in this program and have enjoyed life-changing results.

Our aim is to make this available to as many people as possible, firstly to welcome more people to our audience and secondly because we're celebrating hitting a quarter million fans on Facebook.

Q: How long will it take me to do the program?

A: The program is designed to take between 10-15 minutes in total to complete.

We recommended adding the program as a daily practice to get the best results over a longer period of time. You may wish to add this program before or after your regular gym session or use it independently.

Q: How long until I see results?

A: Although everyone is different and results may vary, we know from experience how quickly it's possible to feel and see a difference.

For some it may be as soon as their first session; for others it may take a few sessions to really start seeing the benefits. Again, it depends on the body in question.

Q: Who is this program suitable for?

A: This program is suitable for you if you're currently suffering from inexplicable back, hip or joint pain.

The exercises themselves are not strenuous and are designed to be carried out by anyone, regardless of ability.

Q: Can I perform the Sequential Flow if I have had a hip replacement?
A: The answer to this is very individual. It depends on what type of hip replacement surgery you had and how you have recovered from the surgery. It is best to ask your surgeon or doctor to see which exercises of the sequential flow you should do or avoid.
Q: I want to start right away. Do I have to wait for the book and videos to come in the mail?

A: You don’t have to wait. Unlock Your Hip Flexors Program is an instant access downloadable program that includes videos and manuals and/or physical DVD and manual.

If you select and order the physical DVD and manual of Unlock Your Hip Flexors, they will be shipped to you in the mail.

If you select digital access to Unlock Your Hip Flexors, you will get INSTANT ACCESS to download the videos and manuals.

The ebooks are in the format of adobe acrobat PDF, which can be viewed on Mac or PC. The video format is M4V which can be viewed on Mac, PC, computer, tablet or smartphone. You can also select a physical and digital option where you get both.

Q: Are the exercises hard to perform?
A: No. Once you watch the coaching videos they will be easy for you. There are also progressions to make the movements more challenging if needed.
Q: What if the routine doesn’t work for me?
A: It will work. But to make you feel better, if for any reason you're not happy with the program, just let us know and we will give you a full refund for up to 60 Days, no questions asked. We stand behind this product 110% and have no problem offering a money back guarantee.
Q: Do I need a gym membership or any special equipment?
A: No. You can do this routine anywhere in a very small space. All you need is a wall to lean on for support for a couple of the movements.
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Last chance to get Unlock Your Hip Flexors at a discounted price!
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NOTE: – Unlock Your Hip Flexors Program is an instant access downloadable program that includes videos and manuals and/or physical DVD and manual. If you select and order the physical DVD and manual of Unlock Your Hip Flexors, they will be shipped to you in the mail. If you select digital access to Unlock Your Hip Flexors, you will get INSTANT ACCESS to download the videos and manuals. The ebooks are in the format of adobe acrobat PDF, which can be viewed on Mac or PC. The video format is M4V which can be viewed on Mac, PC, computer, tablet or smartphone. You can also select a physical and digital option where you get both.

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