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Before you go, here’s something more you may be interested in…

Get my faster plan to a stronger core for just $15.99 today and LOCK IN your results

Add this core strength workout designed to build balance and stability, prevent low back pain and improve posture for 66% off its usual price today

As an Unlock Your Hip Flexors customer, the programs you’ve seen so far are designed to help you stay pain-free, feel stronger and more mobile.

As you’re already aware, the hip flexors are the bridge between your upper and lower body. Supporting that bridge in our bodies is our core. And the biggest enemy for the health of our core is sitting.

Sitting causes bad posture in most people and poor posture keep our bodies in positions that weaken our core, back, and hips - and this can undo all our results.

But while bad posture weakens your core, it is also true that good posture STRENGTHENS your core.

Strengthen your core and not only does it benefit from building lean muscle and tightening around your stomach and waist area, there are untold health benefits.

And that’s why I want to give you 66% off our best-selling core program to get the most from the UYHF program and LOCK IN your results.

Here’s how improving core strength gives better results

A strong core allows you to get more from every workout.

According to Harvard Medical School, strong core muscles improves posture, which helps you gain the full benefit from exercise, increasing its effectiveness. [Source: https://www.health.harvard.edu/healthbeat/the-real-world-benefits-of-strengthening-your-core]. The school also suggests exercises that focus on promoting well-balanced resilient core muscles can prevent low back pain and improve balance and stability.

A strong core is key to a healthy, pain-free back.

According to one study, strengthening your deep core muscles can reduce chronic low back pain [Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4395677/]. In another study, researchers found core stabilization exercises are more effective in reducing pain of patients with low back pain that other physical therapy [Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5648929/]

A strong core improves balance and stability.

Says The Mayo Clinic: “Weak core muscles can also leave you susceptible to poor posture, lower back pain and muscle injuries.” [Source: https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/fitness/in-depth/core-exercises/art-20044751]

Strengthening your core benefits your posture and reduces injury risk

As Harvard Medical School explains: “Core conditioning improves posture, which contributes to a trimmer appearance. Moreover, developing core muscle strength can boost the effectiveness of workouts and reduce the risk of injuries that sideline our efforts to stay in shape.” [Source: https://www.health.harvard.edu/healthbeat/the-real-world-benefits-of-strengthening-your-core]

When it comes to improving core strength for years we’ve been told the way to do is through sit-ups and crunches.

But here’s the problem. Some studies have questioned the effectiveness of sit-ups and crunches. In fact the US Army has been phasing out sit-ups from its fitness tests for several years when they found 56% of all injuries were caused by the exercise. [Source: http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20160418-the-surprising-downsides-of-sit-ups]

But there is an alternative and it IS possible to build a strong core safely and effectively in 3 steps WITHOUT crunches and sit-ups and that’s why…

I want to give you the whole Armor Plated Core Package to LOCK IN your results for just $15.99

Our Armor Plated Core program combines 3 key components to take you on a journey to a strong core, greater stability and getting 100% from every workout

Here’s how the program works:

Step #1 Lower Back Lifestyle Audit

Pain and injury specialist Rick Kaselj offers an expert audit of your posture to help you understand the effect your lifestyle has on your core, back, hips, and other areas of their body. This video program helps you look at issues, including:

  • How’s your posture?
  • Is your office desk set up correctly?
  • Are you sleeping in the right possible position?
  • Do you sit too much?

Rick also shows you how to make quick-fix changes designed to improve your quality of life by strengthening your core in just a few minutes.

Step #2 Build back strength with Indestructible Back

A strong core requires a strong back. The best core workouts target your body’s larger muscles, so the abdominals perform exactly the way they were designed to perform in real life. And it is hard performing these exercises without a strong, stable back. That’s why we’ve included in this package our best-selling Indestructible Back program from strength and conditioning coach, John Izzo. This 8-week program is designed to stabilize and strength your back and can be performed as part of an existing workout or on rest days.

Step #3 Hone a strong stomach with Crunchless Abs

As we’ve seen, sit-ups and crunches comes with many problems. If your goal is a flatter stomach and stronger core, our Crunchless Abs program is designed to be more effective and safer option. Developed by Chris Wilson, HSC, RKC, the Head Strength Coach at Critical Bench, this follow-along video program features 30 abdominal exercises you can perform without doing any potentially dangerous crunching.

Now you know how a strong core could improve your posture, avoid back injuries and improve results want to give you…

Don’t forget my 100% money-back guarantee

You’re going to love the Fix My Pain Series, particularly when you see the results. Like Unlock Your Hip Flexors, I’m confident you will be left feeling great but if you’re unsatisfied or unhappy for any reason at all, there’s no risk to you. Simply contact a member of my team on (800) 213-3485 or email us at [email protected] and we’ll give you a full, 100% refund. No questions asked.

Click The Buy Now Button Below To Get 66% OFF Armor Plated Core Today

Usual Price = $47 Pay Just $15.99 Today

IMPORTANT NOTE: The Programs In This Package Are Digital Products, So You Get Online Access To All The Programs As Soon As Your Order Is Complete

(This Purchase Is Backed With Our 60-Day, 100% Money-Back Guarantee)

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