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In as little as 7 days, you could have
No More PAIN
in your knees, neck, shoulders, feet, and back…
allowing you to exercise HARD well into
your 40s, 50s, and beyond!
Hey, it’s Rick Kaselj here.
I want you to pat yourself on the back. Seriously, I mean it.
Because you just made a fantastic decision investing in “Unlock Your Hip Flexors”.
In the next couple of days, don’t be surprised if you start walking with new pep in your step…
You might even set a new personal record or two in the gym with your newfound mobility…
That’s because this program is guaranteed to eliminate pain in the most important part of your body: your core.
However, if you want to rid yourself of nagging pain throughout your body - PERMANENTLY - my new “Fix My Pain” video series is for you.
The therapeutic movements inside will let you
TRAIN HARD like you did in your 20s… without a single twinge
You see, I’ve worked in this field for over 23 years...
And I’ve seen every type of musculoskeletal condition imaginable.
Whether it’s your back, your knees, your neck, your shoulders, or even your feet, the root cause is almost always the same:
An imbalance in your muscles, ligaments, and tendons.
If one part is tighter or looser than it’s supposed to be, it throws the whole joint out of balance.
And that’s why you get PAIN.
I’ll spare you the scientific details, all you need to know is this:
My new “Fix My Pain” video series uses movements perfected by professional physical therapists to FIX these imbalances (and make it as though they weren’t there in the first place).
And because I’ve modified them for the everyday person like you and me, you won’t have to put your body into a pretzel to get results.
All you’ll experience is:
No more PAIN in as little as 7 days -
even if you run or lift heavy weights in the gym!
That’s a bold claim, I know. But imagine what you could accomplish with these tips and tricks by your side:
Video Series #1: Fix My Back Pain
- 35% of disc herniations and bulges develop into painful sciatica — this 3-part program protects you from joining the “unlucky third” (See Quick Start Guide)
- What to consume 4X MORE per day (you already do this, just not enough)… and what to consume 4X LESS — to enjoy internal back reshaping that relieves pain naturally
- How copying an NFL referee can decompress your spine — Video #2 explains why your back crunches up like a soda can and the super-simple move to undo the damage
Video Series #2: Fix My Neck Pain
- What you do every second that makes or breaks EVERY exercise... and how to harness it moments before a workout to maximize your potential strength & fat-burning results (See Step #1)
- 10 key areas to self-massage for a supple neck
- Ever wondered: “How hard is too hard during a massage?” — Step #3 shows you how to avoid dangerous tissue stress
- If you can nod your head “yes”... then you already know half the trick to DOUBLE your neck flexibility for deeper sleep
Video Series #3: Fix My Shoulder Pain
- The #1 Reason People Injure Their Shoulders in the Gym — there’s two easy steps to never make this mistake (hint: the mirror is one, see Video #4 to learn the other)
- LITERALLY FEEL THE RESULTS: How to test your before-and-after tissue tightness by simply touching this one part of your upper body
- The “belly breathing” strategy to blow tension out of your shoulders and neck
- How to sit your shoulder pain away with a 15-second alignment fix (Video #4)
- The 2-inch dip for shoulder blade strength
Video Series #4: Fix My Knee Pain
- This inner thigh massage RENEWS tissue quality by flushing out toxins and bringing in fresh blood flow to your knee (See Video #2)
- How to address the tiny muscle imbalances that tug on your joint and cause kneecap pain (See Video #3)
- How zig-zagging, gentle skipping and plain walking trains the “brain” of your knee joint — so it automatically sits in the perfect position and protects your ligaments
Video Series #5: Fix My Foot Pain
- The scientifically proven reason to NOT focus only on stretching your achilles tendon
- The #1 cause of foot pain and the “most important risk factor” for plantar fasciitis — according to scientific research
- Which kind of rigid footwear NEVER to wear (hint: it’s not high heels)
- And so much more!
That means in addition to your “Unlock Your Hip Flexors” training, you’ll get:
The best part?
Because you’ve proven to me you’re serious about your health and wellbeing… you’re not going to be paying an arm and leg for “Fix My Pain Series”.
In fact, I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised when you hear how affordable I’ve made it for new clients like yourself.
That’s because while most physical therapists would charge you $1000 a month or more…
Unqualified chiropractors would ask you to fork over at least $75 a session (with no medical background)...
I want you to have my “Fix My Pain” system for just $39. That’s less than a month’s worth of Tylenol for some people, yet worth so much more.
And because you’re backed by my 60-day money back guarantee, if you don’t like it, you don’t pay a dime.
Listen, this isn’t some band aid solution I’m giving you.
I’m talking…
Permanent, pain-free results you can
see and FEEL with every step…
Can you put a price on that?
And just to sweeten the deal even further for you, we’ll throw in these 3 FREE bonuses:
FREE GIFT #1 - Pain-Free Deadlifting (value $49)
Simply put: this is the ONLY video you’ll need on the deadlift. Step-by-step, I walk you through my personal deadlifting routine… from warm up, working sets, to even a cool down routine.
You’ll discover how to bulletproof your joints while mastering one of the most misunderstood lifts (even if you’re a beginner). Imagine! While everyone around you is setting themselves up for injury, you’ll smirk your way to another personal record, pain-free. This video guide is yours FREE today.
FREE GIFT #2 - Pain-Free Squatting (value $49)
Did you know 97% of permanent injuries stem from squatting incorrectly? That’s why inside this exclusive guide, I take you by the hand and reveal my downright simple process for squatting like a pro.
You’ll discover how to build unshakeable joints in your knees, hips, and lower back with the squat… even if you suffer from prior injuries. It doesn’t get much better than that, wouldn’t you agree? Again, it’s yours completely FREE today.
FREE GIFT #3 - Pain-Free Benching (value $49)
If you’re one of the estimated 5 million gym goers that mistakenly avoid the bench press… you can rejoice. Because in this exclusive bonus, I spill the beans on how to bench correctly to skyrocket your muscle building and fat-burning metabolism.
I remove all confusion regarding the bench press when it comes to protecting your neck, upper back, shoulders, elbows, wrists and hands. In fact, you’ll be strengthening your joints with every rep. It’s a MUST-HAVE for all my new clients.
And it’s yours FREE today.
That means…
You’ll get this entire pain-fixing series for just $39
Due to the special nature of this offer, we’ll only be able to offer it to you this one time.
So please, if you have pain elsewhere in your body, click below and add this to your order.
Together, with Unlock Your Hip Flexors and the Fix My Pain Series, you’ll be impenetrable, like a fortress.
Pain will be a thing of the past, and you’ll finally be able to return to activities you love in and out of the gym.
You’ll be running, jumping, and working out like your younger self in no time.
Remember, this video series could eliminate your back, shoulder, neck, knee, or foot pain in as little as 7 days. It doesn’t get much better than that.
And besides, you’re fully covered by my 60-day money back guarantee, so there’s no reason not to try it, right?
Click the button below to order your copy today.
No thanks, I will pass on this HUGE DISCOUNT for now… and I realize I will NEVER have this opportunity again.
Rick Kaselj
NOTE: “Fix My Pain Series” published by Critical Bench is a pdf file and digital video package. No physical products will be shipped. After you order, you’ll get INSTANT ACCESS to download all product components onto your computer. The format for all manuals, workbooks, checklists, etc, is adobe acrobat PDF which can be viewed on Mac or PC. Individual results may vary and just because you buy this program does not mean that it will work as well for you as it did for others. Like all things in life you’ll get out of it what you put into it, so if you just buy this and never read it you’re not going to develop any healthy habits.